Thanksgiving 2010......
Did not exactly go as planed. The Sunday night before Thanksgiving Jack, who is normally a very good sleeper! Woke-up four times throughout the night. Each time he woke, he ate a little and after walking a little went back to sleep. After waking four times, I thought well, could he be getting more teeth in? With this in mind I decided to give him a dose of Tylenol, and see if we could all get at least a little more sleep before morning. At this point it was 4AM, and he ended up sleeping till about 7:20...thank goodness!
Monday, after our morning walk I sat down to give him a bottle. Jack eats the whole thing, and promptly pukes it all up! (OH DEAR GOD!) All over me, and himself! After the " what the hell just happened" shock wears off I clean him up, and myself. Poor little man! I felt so bad! How hard it must be to feel so sick and, be so little.
I called the pediatrician, and ask for their first available apt. I then call Rob to tell him what happened, and he says he will meet us at the doctors office to help!
After meeting with our AMAZING pediatrician ( I say amazing b/c Dr. McConnell checked in on Jack everyday via text so we would not have to keep bringing him in!) , we decide Jack will go on Pedialyte for the next 24 hours and then add some solid bland food in. The good news, no fever, and he is well hydrated! Also at almost 8months, Jack now weighs 20lbs 8oz. So, there is no worry of him getting dehydrated soon, or loosing to much weight with the "sugar water" diet!
So our plans for Thanksgiving change from having all the family over, to my mom and sister delivering an extra Thanksgiving dinner to our house.
After five days of more puke, a diet of Pedialyte, being up for a few hours most nights, and Jack only wanting to be held by mommy... Jack is finally holding down formula! And getting back up to eating his normal, very large amount of food during the day!!! Hopefully next Thanksgiving he will be able to enjoy a large plate of all that Thanksgiving has to offer!!
Now onto a Very Merry Christmas!!