Playing Peek-a-boo with mommy! "found ya"!
Look how big I am!

On our way home from the grocery store! Our HEB has balloons for kids at the check out stand....but instead of waiting till then we always grab one when we walk in the door! It's more fun to play with as we shop!!

Jack chillin watching Sesame Street! His favorite!

My boys taking a nap together! Nothing better than napping with our little man!

An Evening walk in the BOB!
Jack and his puppy!
One morning I was doing stuff around the house, and heard jack laughing in the kitchen. I went in to find him and Gracie playing around the island! Had to get it on video!
The ever lasting runny nose.....
Lately Jack has been getting lots of runny noses. No fever, sometimes a small cough, but the dang thing will never leave for more than a week or two, and then it comes right back. The first two times it developed into a cough and took him into the pediatrician and was told ears, and chest were all clear. Well, that's great but the poor kid can't sleep , and at times has a hard time eating because his little nose is stuffed up and runny. Well, Rob mentioned this to one of his co-workers who also has kids and she suggested the Graco Nasal Aspirator! It works on batteries, and sucks the mucus right out of the nose, and fast! The only bad thing, it works for about 2 weeks then breaks, this has happen twice. I called Graco and they said they would ship us a new one! Sounds good to me! So I now have a love hate relationship with this nasal aspirator. Love it, when it works. Hate it when it breaks, with no warning!