Lately I feel like I just turned around, and Jack has turned into a toddler! He says mama, or mommy. He crawls everywhere and gets very excited if he thinks you are chasing him! He is also "cruising" and will sit and look at books all by himself. He will hold a graham cracker in his hand to eat it and eats anything, and everything at least 4 times a day! Oh, and how he loves bath time! And so much more! In a way it makes me sad that he is growing up so fast, but I am also really enjoying watching him learn, and explore!
Lately our favorite things to do are, Gymboree, The Children's museum, Story time at the Library, play group, going for rides in his wagon, and riding in the BOB on our runs!
In one more month we will celebrate his Birth-Day! Has it really been a year already?!
A few recent pictures.....

Such a big boy!

Rockin' his b-ball shorts!

Crawling everywhere!

Bath time!

Playing in the bathroom is FUN!

Helping mommy pick out her clothes!

My Laundry helper!

Hmm...what should I eat today? :)