I had heard great reviews on a place called the Hairs Lair. It is located in the 26 Doors shopping center across from Seton Hospital, for those of you Austin people. It's this tiny, cute, little "hole-in-the-wall" place, that has one lady that just cuts kids hair. They have tiny chairs just for the kids, and toys everywhere! I was very nervous on our drive over, but once we got there and saw how laid back the place was, and I quickly become relaxed, which I'm sure allowed Jack to relax and play with all the toys they had. The lady was AMAZING to say the least. The whole time she was cutting jacks hair she handed him different toys to keep his attention. If she needed him to look down , she would give him a toy that caused him to do so, ect. He did fantastic, and the whole experience was great!
Getting relaxed in the chair
Checking out his stylist!
Sitting so still! Such a big boy!!
My whole family came to see me get my first hair cut!