Now that I am a stay at home mom YEAH! I have decided it is time to get on the blogging band-wagon! Since, Rob and I have many friends who live in other States, and cities, I thought this would be the perfect way to keep everyone updated on the happenings of our life! I hope to update this often. But as many of you know, being a new mom, you never know what time you may or may not have! So welcome to our blog, we hope you enjoy staying up to date on the life of a daddy named Rob, a mommy named Christy- and our little new addition, Jack!
Jack is now---Three months!
Can you believe it! The first three months have gone by so fast; each day is still very different. Just as I feel we are getting into a routine, the days change and throw me for a loop. As the very scheduled person I am, this has been a little hard, but I am learning to roll with what this sweet little man gives us and allow him to teach me what the day will be!
Here are some highlights:
- At three months he is sleeping in 3-4 hour stretches (again this can, and often does change from day to day)
- loves bath time
- Bartlett's is his favorite restaurant (he always falls asleep there!)
- loves to play/ look at stuff animals and any toy that plays music
- will follow mom and dad around the room with his eyes
- laughs and giggles
- sucking on his fingers
- smiles
- getting better head control everyday!
- getting better at being in his car seat and running errands!
A little update on Christy and Rob--
Once I reached eight weeks postpartum I decided it was time to get this body back into shape! Most of my pregnancy I felt really sick, and extremely tired. Therefore I pretty much stopped exercising and so I have not done much in about a year. Well, I have employed the expertise of a trainer to help me get back into shape in a healthy way. Let’s just say, my first session was not good. I am so freaking out of shape it was seriously depressing!
I can now report 3 weeks into it---I can now run for at least 30 min! Sad for someone who used to run 3-4 miles a day, good for someone who gave birth to a 9 pound, 13 ounce baby!!! GO ME! Rob is doing more than I think most dads do. He makes us dinner every night, lets me sleep in when I need some extra rest, and runs the errands when I need to stay home with Jack. We are defiantly enjoying our sweet little boy and, our new adventure as mom and dad!

I think I should starting get photo credit on your blog! Love you!