Here are some updates on what has been going on in our home!
Jack will be turning six months in a week. I can't believe that this sweet little boy has been in our life half a year. I also can't believe that in another six months, Jack will be ONE year old. Where has the time gone? Oh yeah... We had a baby! I still don't think that it has set in that the one thing we have wanted for so long is really here, a baby!! Or that we have had him this long! I tell Jack all the time how much mommy and daddy wanted him and how loved he is! OK, now that I have tears in my eyes onto another topic!
Jacks Highlights-
- Eaten so far ---, Squash- loves, Apples- ok, Apples & Plums- loves, Green beans- ok, sweet potatoes- loves, prunes - loves, Pares - loves.
- Now solely on formula ( more about this below).
-Taking 3 naps a day for about 30 - 40 each, and sleep 10-12 hours at night
Car-seats! It's time to get a new one. Jack is a very long, like off the charts long, and no longer fits in his current Graco car-set length wise! Rob and I have been researching a bigger car-seats that can face backwards until Jack is one, and then at which point we can turn him around. I believe we found one! It's called the Marathon -70 made by Britax. It has outstanding ratings, and many amazing safety features. It will also carry up to a seventy pound baby! Here is the link -
Now onto more Personal topic! CAUTION- if you don't want to know about pumping please discontinue reading as this point. :)
I have decided after pumping for 5 plus months up to 5-6 times a day, that it is time to STOP! I am currently pumping once in the morning, and right before bed only allowing about an ounce per side. It has been really nice not having my day revolve around when my next pumping time is. However, it has also been bitter sweet knowing that Jack is no longer getting the milk that nature intended for him to have, and instead chemicals ( formula) . I had always intended to breast-feed Jack, but once he was born it didn't work out so I decided to pump. It made me feel good knowing exactly how much of my milk he was getting, and how much formula he was getting. This gave me peace that at a newborn stage, I could be sure Jack was getting the amount of nutrition he needed to grow well. The majority of his intake was my breast milk and I was happy to pump ALL the time to make sure this was the case. Even with two cases of mastitis--OH yes. OUCH!!!
So now I am on the road to no longer being constantly attached to a pump, and buying more formula. I think in the end it will be a good thing!
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