On Sunday morning (10/17/10) we woke-up to find that Jacks first tooth had made it's appearance! I feel like our little man has been teething since he was 3 months old. Everyday I would think " OK tooth, where are you?!". The past few days he had been much more fussy, and chewing on his hand/ fingers a lot. Sure enough, it was his tooth. The front bottom right one to be exact! It has not come out enough to be able to get a good picture.When it does, I will be sure to post it!
Congrats little man on your first tooth! Now lets hope the rest of them don't cause you as much pain!
Pumpkin Patch time!!
Lunch out with daddy!
Every Wednesday Jack and I have a standing date to meet daddy for lunch! It breaks up the week, and allows some daddy time in the middle of the day! We have also found a new restaurant we really enjoy, East-side Cafe. It's not normally a place we would go to since it's on the East side of Austin, which is on the opposite side of town from us. The restaurant is close to Rob's office, so we thought we would try it, YUM-O! Everything is organic, and all the produce comes from their own gardens!
Jack and I look forward to our Wednesday lunch every week!

6 Month Well-Check!
Jack went to his 6 month well-check about 2 weeks late. No, I am not a bad mom, this was done on purpose. We have been spreading out his shots, so I wanted him to have a full month in-between his last round, and these. Dr. McConnell said Jack is doing wonderful, and was very pleased with everything! He is now one week away from being 7 months!
Stats -
Weight - 19lbs, 4oz ( 75th-95th percentile)
Height - 30 inches - ( way off the charts) Dr. McConnell is predicting Jack will be well over 6 ft. tall!
on a side note - Jack now has his second tooth! :)
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