Picture time!
We recently had family pictures taken, finally! We met two young college students at our neighbors sons birthday party who have started a photography business. After viewing the pictures they took of Jack at the party I knew we could get some really great photos of our family with them! We never had professional newborn pictures taken of Jack, due to me having a C-Section, and taking so long to recover. It was finally time to get some good professional family pictures taken! And I love the way they turned out!

We also took our first vacation since Jack arrived to Charlotte, NC. Katy is the COO of the DNC, and will be living their for the next year and half so we thought we would make a trip of it! Considering it was our first flight with Jack, and Jacks first flight period I feel we all did as well as could be expected. We were armed with DVD's, books, and snacks! Jack ended up sleeping the first part of the flight there, and then watching Sesame Street, and reading the rest. About the last 20 min of the flight he head had enough and was ready to be done, as we all were!
Charlotte was awesome! The weather was cool with the highs in the low 70's and, the city has many attractions for kids . Discovery is like the Austin Children's Muesue but 10 times better!They had lots of hands on activities and a whole room just for his age group!
Then we headed to the Fish splash pad and had lunch outside one afternoon. Actually we had lunch outside many afternoons because the weather was just hat nice!
The next day we ventured to a placed called ImaginON. It is a huge Children's Library, with tons of hands on activities as well.

That evening we went down town for dinner and Jack got to go on his first carriage ride. It was a little cold and windy but after warming up with a blanket we all had a nice ride through the city!

And lastly here is a pic of the adorable condo we stayed in!
We had a great trip, and Rob has been trying to talk me into moving there ever since we returned! I have to stay, it would not be a bad place to live!
18 Month Well-Check!
Weight - 26.5 ( 50-75 %)
Height - 36 ( off the charts)
Jack passed his well-check with flying colors!
Mother's Day Out aka MDO
Rob and I have been discussing for awhile when would be the right time for Jack to start an MDO program. The main problem is myself, and my lack of trusting non-family members with Jack. It is in fact one of the main reasons I decided to stay home with him. We have recently both seen a desire in Jack to have more peer interaction, as it seems that anytime he is around other kids (mainly older kids) he will interject himself into whatever they might be playing. I love that we have an outgoing social son, but mommy is not, and probably will never be ready to hand him over to someone else. However, to me, being a good parent means doing whats is best for Jack even if it forces me out of my comfort zone. So with a heavy heart we are going to start the process of touring some programs, and find a place that we hope will fit our needs.
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